Chapter One :Chapter 1

It was the day the new Daxing Country emperor ascended the throne. To celebrate it, the new emperor declared a general amnesty. Even the most inconspicuous jailers got some good wine.

They should be able to leave work and go home early, but their superior instructed them to keep an eye on the only prisoner in prison.

So, the jailers started chatting after they had some wine.

"Who's that woman? His Majesty declared a general amnesty. But... why is she still here?" a new jailer lisped.

"Humph! That b*tch is His Majesty's concubine! His Majesty caught her on the spot while she was having an affair with someone. How dare she make His Majesty a cuckold? Think about it. How can His Majesty let her go?"

The new jailer didn't believe it, "She looks so old and dry. How could someone get hard on her?"

"Bah! You know nothing! Do you know who she is? She's Chu Yinyin, the first beauty of the imperial city in the early years!"

The new jailer suddenly remembered something. He slapped his thigh and shouted, "Now I remember! The late emperor had arranged for her to marry Prince Rui, who was almost a living dead. She didn't want to, so she ran away to escape the marriage. She was attacked and lost her virginity... But how come she become His Majesty's concubine?"

"Shh--" an older jailer patted him on the head, "Just drink. Don't be so curious. It's gonna kill you!"

The prison door was suddenly kicked open. And the noise startled the jailers.

A eunuch came in. He flicked his horsetail whisk and ordered in a queer squeaky voice, "Her Highness wants you to take that b*tch to Guang An'men for execution!"

The jailers did not dare to delay and hurriedly nodded.

They kicked open the cell door and swaggered in. And then they rudely pulled Chu Yinyin up, who was curled up in the corner and dragged her out.

"Get up. It’s the time for execution!"

Chu Yinyin couldn't struggle with her broken legs. So she could only see them dragging her all the way to Guang An'men.

There was only a long trail of bloody dragged marks left on the snow.

The jailers threw Yinyin to the ground and put a white silk cloth around her neck, forcing her to look up.

Moreover, they stripped off the prisoner's clothes on her cruelly and made her knelt in the center of the square naked. They crushed Chu Yinyin's final dignity thoroughly.

Chu Shuangshuang got off the sedan chair. She was dressed in luxurious clothes and looked gorgeous.

Chu Shuangshuang looked at Chu Yinyin from above with a cold expression, "Sis, I'm here to see you off."

A maid handed Chu Shuangshuang a bowl of wine. And she poured it down on Chu Yinyin slowly.

The strong wine ran through the wound on Chu Yinyin and made her tremble in pain.

The dry body, with all the scars and wounds around, was shivering in the biting wind. Chu Yinyin was no longer the first beauty. Her body only looked disgusting now!

"Are you remorseful?" Chu Shuangshuang lowered her head and asked, "But who can you blame? If you married Prince Rui, you'd at worst end up being a widow. How could you end up like this? Now that you've lost your health, your reputation, your dignity, and even your life soon!"

Chu Yinyin gritted her teeth and screamed, "That was all because of you!"

"Really?" Chu Shuangshuang said indifferently, "Blame yourself for being such a moron. You're no match for me."

Chu Yinyin was stunned.

She closed her eyes and let herself be assaulted by memories.

Chu Yinyin fell in love with Bai Shengmo when she was 15 years old. Unfortunately, the late emperor arranged for her to marry Prince Rui, who was almost a living dead.

To escape the marriage, she wrote to Bai Shengmo and asked him to elope with her. However, Bai Shengmo didn't show up. And Chu Yinyin accidentally lost her virginity on the way.

Chu Yinyin then was recovered to the family in a muddled mind. Because of her escaping, the late emperor was furious and punished the Chu family. Her reputation was ruined, and the marriage was invalid.

Chu Yinyin resented Bai Shengmo's standing her up. Yet she still chose to believe him when he said he happened to break his leg that day and wasn't able to go.

She believed him again when he said that he didn't mind that she had lost her virginity and was still willing to marry her but that his father wouldn't let him, so he could only make her his concubine.

She still believed him when he said he was from the royal family and had no choice but to fight for power, and that if he could get the Chu family's help, he would make her empress in the future.

But what did she end up with?

Bai Shengmo had long hooked up with Chu Shuangshuang secretly and even made her pregnant!

He broke the promise of eloping with Chu Yinyin purposefully.

And the attack Chu Yinyin had suffered was part of their plan.

Bai Shengmo made Chu Yinyin his concubine but never touched her. He did that to get the support of the Chu family.

Chu Yinyin believed Bai Shengmo again and again, but Bai Shengmo betrayed her again and again.

They stepped on her heart, tears of blood, and dignity to climb the ladder to the throne.

Now Bai Shengmo was the Emperor, and Chu Shuangshuang was the Empress.

And Chu Yinyin, the pawn who had lost all her value, was charged with the crime of lacking in virtue and being wanton and was sentenced to be stripped naked and hanged in public!

Chu Yinyin looked at the crowd and sneered. And her laughter became more and more ear-piercing.

"What are you waiting for? Do it!" Chu Shuangshuang scolded.

The white silk strip around Chu Yinyin's neck was tightened. She was forced to look up at the sky, and her breathing became faster and faster.

The snow piled up on Chu Yinyin's body in the biting wind and soon covered her.

Subconsciously, she hoped that she wouldn't be such a moron again if there were an afterlife...

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